Alnabi Mosque – Qazvin

The same is a remnant of the Safavid period, but was renovated during the Qajar era. The courtyard is rectangular with a large pool in the center. To each of the four sides of the structure of the mosque is an elevated porch and two lateral or side chambers, flanked by nocturnal areas. The northern and southern nocturnal areas, each have four false arches, and the eastern and western ones, each of nine false arches. The porches are adorned with enameled tiles, and each porch displays an inscription on azure tiles in the Naskh script. Above the northern porch is a lofty minaret, and a short, elevate square porch adjoins the southern one. Here its cornices are of stone and its other areas are white washed. The altar of the southern wall and its shortened cornices are of marble. These have been adorned with multi colored enameled tiles. The colossal dome of this is interior white washed, whilst its exterior reveals tile work.
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