Borujerdiha House – Kashan

The said premises is located in Kashan and was constructed during the years 1292-1310 AH. by 'Haj Seyed Jaffar Natanzi' a merchant who conducted business in Borujerd and Kashan as well. He constructed this house in order to evade religious levies. The entrance to the premises is from an octagonal vestibule and an area utilized by pageboys adorned with a number of multilateral crescents and skylights in the ceiling. Then a long corridor leads to the northern facade of the building. Near the entrance is a five-door chamber with intricate plaster-work. This opens out on a large and roof less porch, capturing the warmth of the sun, and transferring the same to the small symmetrical chambers on either side of this porch. In the northeastern portion of the structure are the kitchen quarters, arranged with shelves, and a special area to provide space for china and other utilities. Whereas in the western and eastern sections are chambers and covered porches. Opposite which is a courtyard and a stairway connecting the main premises to the basement. The basement covers a vast area and is tastefully arranged with wide wall cupboards with carved and lattice worked wooden doors. On either side of the building is the main or entrance staircase leading to the southern part of the structure. Here there is a large porch with a high ceiling giving way to an entertainment hall. Behind which, on a lower level is an octagonal area with a pool or the 'hauz khaneh'. The same has a domed shaped roof and beautiful skylights. Here the ceiling is vaulted and worked with tiles in harmonious colors. On the walls, portraits of the Qajar sovereigns can be noted, with their guards in formal European apparel. This building is also equipped with cellars that are cool and pleasant for use in the heat of summer. Materials used in the construction of this structure are, stone, brick, sun baked bricks and a composition of clay, straw and mortar.
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