Imamzadeh Soltan Seyed Eshaq – Saveh

This structure is near the Saveh Jame' Mosque, and comprises of a courtyard, porch and mausoleum. This mausoleum resembles a tower and is a remnant of the 7th century AH. In later centuries some sections have been added to it. Octagonal shaped tiles of turquoise color, and narrow bricks also of the same shade and an inscription can be noted, which are the artistic works of this structure. The inscription denotes a holy verse is in the embossed Tholth script dating to the year 676 AH. To an elevation of 4.5m. of the mausoleum, is a plaster work inscription with the Nasta'liq script carved on floral background. This comprises of twelve poetic verses and dates back to 1023 AH. At the apex of the dome is the name of The Almighty with a floral design surrounding the same. There is a tile-worked tablet on the tomb with an azure background on which is the Tholth script, the name of the person laid to rest within the tomb has been noted. This person is a relative of Imam Moosa Kazem.
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