Khosravi Hill – Boyer Ahmad (Yasuj)

In the old geographical texts, the present city of Yasooj was named as Tal-e- Khosravi. This hillock which even today known as Tal-e-Khosravi is situated to the south of Yasooj city. Besides this hillock all other remnants, in present Yasooj have been gradually ruined by the passage of time. Based on local narrations, Kaikhosrow had built a castle on this hillock, from which the yellow brick square shaped remnants can be still observed. This vicinity dates to the pre-Achaemenian period and is related to the 3rd millennium BC. and was used in 9th and 10th centuries AH. This hillock is located at a distance of 4 km. south of Yasooj close to the Tal-e- Khosravi Village
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