Moghadam Museum of Tehran University – Tehran

Moqadam Museum is in fact the parental house of Master Mohsen Moqadam. It is one of the glorious houses of Qajar dynasty and it was owned by one of the admirals of that time named Muhammad Taqi Khan Ehtesab Al-Molk. Mohsen Moqadam were of one the students of Master Kamal Al-Molk, Archeologist and the founder of Fine Arts University and professor at Tehran University. He and his French spouse decided to put their maximum efforts for establishing a museum of priceless objects exposed to destruction. This historical mansion has a location equal to 2117 square meters and it include three outdoor yards, one Andaruni (indoors) and one janitorial. This mansion is priceless as it has a historical value and so it was one of the most expensive historical houses of the world in the 1960s. Adoption of golden tiles in this house which are implemented finely on the walls of this house are also other precious objects of this house.
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