Zarach Village – Yazd

The historical vicinity of Zarach is located to the northwest of Yazd, and according to narrations, it is one of the constructions of "Zalzar". In keeping with historical facts, it is said that, Amin Mobarezeddin Mohammad and his sons were responsible for the erection of Mozaffar Abad of Zarach. Arsalan Khatoon, the spouse of Ala al Dowleh Kalenjar, constructed the famous water conduit of this village. This region is also the birthplace of reputed personalities and writers. Historical remnants of this area are, Khajeh Khezrollah Abad Mausoleum, the Allah Abad Crypt and water reservoir, historical Zarach Castle, Amir al Moumenin Mosque in Sardeh Zarach, the Sheer Sar Cheshmeh water Mill and Water Reservoir.
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