Masuleh Village in Gilan

Masuleh Village in Gilan

Masuleh in Gilan, an stepped village of Iran

Masuleh village in Gilan is one of the historical and most famous stepped villages of Iran. This beautiful village has such a beautiful nature that not only absorbs everyone, but no matter how many times you visit it, it never gets repetitive. The attractions of this region have caused many tourists to travel to this region in all hot and cold seasons of the year and make happy times for themselves. In this article, we want to review everything about the history behind Masuleh, the architecture of this village, the facilities and attractions, the access roads and of course the best time to visit it. Urban life creates a degree of monotony for everyone and in order to get rid of that one can take refuge in areas with special nature and pristine landscapes. Just pack your staff and spend a few days visiting a place like Masuleh. Follow us in Travital to get to know the Masuleh village better.
masuleh Masuleh Village

View of Masuleh Village at nights

The stepped village of Masuleh in Iran which is now called as the city of Masuleh, is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Rasht and one of the most famous examples of stepped architecture in the world. Of course, there are other stepped villages in Iran, such as Sar Agha Seyed, which you can read about in Travital. Anyway, Masuleh is located about 65 km west to Rasht. This is a place that according to historical sources is about 800 to 1000 years old and is a place where you can see the best natural landscapes of Iran. The steppe village of Masuleh is located in the forested slopes of Alborz and at an altitude of 1050 meters above the sea level. One of the interesting features in Masuleh is the difference in height from the lowest point to the highest point. Due to the stepped nature of this village, there is a height difference of about 120 meters between its lowest and highest point.

Masuleh The Stepped Village

In 1975, the name of the northern city of Masouleh was registered as the first living historical city in the country with the number 1090 in list of national monuments of Iran. The city is under the control of the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization, as well as the province's environmental department and fortunately is well protected. Although the stepped architecture and historical texture of the village is the main feature, in this village you can see pristine and spectacular forests, waterfalls, high mountains and many other natural attractions.
Masuleh Houses

Masouleh houses

The most prominent feature of this city which is also famous all around the world is the stepped architecture of Masuleh houses. In Masuleh, the roof of each house, is a neighbor's yard. This feature is one of the pure and unique subjects for photography enthusiasts. In addition to the stepped architecture, the city's historic houses themselves are among its tourist attractions. The people of this region have decorated their houses with colorful vases and other decorative accessories and sometimes invite you to visit their homes. However, it is necessary to know about the architecture of Masuleh that wood, stone and clay have been used in the construction of houses in this area. The houses in this city are small and usually have two floors.
Masuleh Village

The nature of Masuleh

Masuleh's sights are not limited to architecture and monuments. Here you will experience waterfalls, forests, high mountains, rivers and more in one place. Most of these are gathered in the forest park of Masuleh. Masuleh Rudkhan, Lar cheshmeh, Koosham and Trishom waterfalls are among the most famous natural attractions of this region that you can visit. If you are a mountaineer, you can go to the high peaks of this region, including Shah Moallem Peak or spend a night in the Korbar Masuleh summet till the morning. In general, despite the abundant rivers and springs in this area, its nature is very unique. All you have to do is try a little and get away from the village to watch the wonders of the pristine nature of Gilan. In the nature tour in Gilan, you can get a lot of points not only about the natural attractions of this city but also the nature of Masuleh.

Some sights of Masuleh

Masuleh itself is a spectacular attraction, but in this city you can see other attractions and take more advantage of your trip. Some of these sights are much more famous and we will introduce some of them to you in the following.
Masuleh Imamzadeh

Museums of Masouleh village

3 nature history, cultural heritage and Aoun ebn e-Ali museums are the most important tourist attractions of this village. In the Nature history Museum, you will get acquainted with the wildlife of this region of Gilan. Inside the museum, native animals from the area are on display. The Museum of Cultural Heritage is located in one of Masuleh's famous historic houses, the Darzi House. This historic house dates back to the Pahlavi era but inside it there are exhibited works from the Qajar period. Aoun ebn Ali Museum is actually part of the tomb of Imam Zadeh Aoun ebn Ali. The construction of this Imamzadeh is one of the valuable historical monuments of Masouleh which has been attributed to the second or third centuries AH. Inside the museum next to this Imamzadeh, there are also works from the Timurid and Safavid eras.

Masuleh Bazaar, the most famous attraction of this region

The Masuleh Bazaar in Gilan is basically referred as the center and heart of this region. This market has 4 separate levels and Masuleh shops have been created precisely because of this market. It has 2 floors and shops on different floors. In this market, various souvenirs of Gilan and Masuleh are sold. You can find a variety of handmade jewelry, decorations, snacks, pickles and even local restaurants with delicious food in this market.
masuleh bazaar Masuleh Bazaar

When is the best time to visit Masuleh?

Traveling to Masuleh has its own beauty all year round. Even in winter, when the weather in this area is very cold, many tourists travel to Gilan to see the snowy Masuleh. That's why the weather is relatively good in the summer and you won't be bothered much. Only when traveling to Masuleh you remember that this place is very crowded during the holidays. So if you are not ok with busy places try to travel to this village during non-holidays.

Where is Masuleh village exactly?

We want to explain to you exactly where Masuleh is in Gilan. The route of this region passes through the city of Fooman in Gilan province. So, get to Fooman and take this beautiful tourist area through the direct road of Masuleh village. The village is about 34 km passed from the city of Fooman and can be reached in less than an hour by car. Address: Masuleh city, Gilan province, We've covered everything about the village the Masuleh for you. From the antiquity of Masuleh village to the architecture, we have provided you popular attractions and the best time to visit it and the ways to access it. Masuleh is one of the best offers not only for summer but also winter. However, to travel in the summer, you can read about the cool cities of Iran in the summer and use its content. Finally, have you ever traveled to Masuleh? Please share your experience with us. Thanks for reading this article.
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