Saravan forest park in Gilan

Saravan forest park in Gilan

Get familiar with Saravan Wild Park and a natural comfort

As you know there are many natural attractions in north of country which can make the visitors reminding memories. Due to the jungles and rivers existed in this region it’s suggested to choose this area for natural tours and recreations. In this issue of Travital were going to introduce you Saravan wild park in Gilan province. This park has many natural attractions and is a quite suitable option for group trips and nature tours. Join us to get more familiar with this park and also watching some pictures of that. Saravan forest park Having a trip to nature would always provide a pleasant mood for tourists and can make them very happy and fun time. This park is one of those natural attractions which with its good and proper facilities provided for tourists and travelers can be considered as one of the best destinations of sightseeing for families and people in all ages. The beautiful lake and surging river in this park are some of the differences with other wild parks. This park is also one of the oldest parks in Gilan which has many types of plants living in there, it submits you the great genetic resource and unique views of nature. It’s located on 17 kilometers of Rasht-Tehran Road and being adjacent to downtown and general road which is easy to access caused this park would be one of the most important parks and attractions in Rasht. The space of this beautiful park is about 1487 hectares and located 50-250 meters above the sea level. Almost 210 hectares of this park is protected and 521 hectares of that is considered for recreation, 756 hectares are allocated to centered perambulation. The northern and southern length of this park is about 7600 kilometers and the width of that, east to west is almost 2 kilometers. Address:the west side of the road, 17th kilometers of Rasht-Tehran road, Gilan province Saravan forest park The best time to travel to Saravan forest park The best time in order to visit this park would be spring and summer, because a density of trees cover across the park and all over it will be lush and green. Autumn which truly is the kings of seasons, change this park to an attractive destination with a world of colors with a rainy climate. If you’re intending hard and challenge trips you can go to this place even in winter, but notice that there are huge amount of snow and rainfall in there. The natural views of Saravan Park Due to the different features of this park, walking in this place could be the most possible wondering thing for you. Watching seldom types of plants and existing white and black rivers in eastern side of park have created many natural views in this park you can enjoy them. Saravan forest park The enchanted River and Lake The biggest difference of this park with other similar parks is enchanting surging lakes existed in this place. When you enter this park you’ll see a lake seemed to be a land covered with grass at first but when you get close you’ll get aware it’s a lake. There are also some boats in this lake you can ride and have an enchanting trip to the mysterious jungles. There is also a river called Khorushan in this park that in order to get to it you should keep on more to the park. The sound of surging water touches your ears and makes you obsessed to stay there for a while and watch the beautiful scenery. The side of River is one of the most crowded parts of this park and many people prefer to put up a tent there. Saravan forest park The spectacular Road Another thing can be interesting for you, is driving on spectacular road of Saravan road. For sure this road can be very absorbing and pleasant in autumn and whenever you get tired you can stop and boggle in calmness and beauty of jungle and trees for some moments. Iran’s Village Heritages Museum There’s a museum in Saravan Park called village heritages which its 100 years old architecture caused more attraction for the place. This museum is one of the most spectacular parts of this forest park that is considerable for tourists annually. Saravan forest park Photography in jungle In this park, one of the most wondering things you can do is photography. We suggest you to bring yourself a good camera in order not to lose beautiful subjects you might see during the tour. Pint Ball A wondering entertainment provided in this park to tourists could have some fun is pint ball. This place is the first pint ball field with 1200 square meters space in north of Iran. ATV Motor The other entertainment in this park is ATV Motors you can rent it and go to the jungle and have fun. As we mentioned earlier, there are suitable and proper facilities for travelers and including pergolas and comfort installations. The suitable WC is contrived in this park and also places for making barbeques, playing tools for children, trash bins and etc. therefore you can have some happy and fun moments in this beautiful wild park. The police station is located in distance of almost 100 kilometers to here and you access there if you need.  
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