Unbelievable pictures of Iran’s nature

Unbelievable pictures of Iran’s nature

Iran’s attractive pictures

Iran is a country with various and attractive attractions and if we want to go in order to discover and visit them we should leave our daily work and spends months for traveling from one city to another. In this article of Travital we’re going to show you some photos from attractive spots in Iran which might motivate people so they can help you making a plan for your journey in Iran.
asalam khalkhal road Asalam khalkhal Road

Asalam and Khalkhal Road

The dreamy road, Asalam and Khalkhal, is one of the most important and attractive roads on the ways of Iran’s jungles to Gilan city. You should take this road if you enjoy driving. This road’s image is always put in list of attractive pictures of Iran in different touristy websites.
badab soort springs Badab Soort Fountains

Badab Soort

Badab Soort Fountains are one of the natural wonders in Mazandaran Province, placed in 95 kilometers of Sari City. These fountains are contains from many stepped terraces over each other, terraces made of Travertine occurred from natural interactions during the thousands years, and are filled with semi-warm flowing water.
khazineh valley Khazineh Valley

Khazineh Valley

This amazing valley, occurred by erosion from long years, is known as Grand Canyon of Iran for its similarity to the real Grand Canyon in America. You might found it interesting that Karkheh River is also passed from this region and that causes a double beauty.
dragon mountains Dragon Mountains

Dragon Mountains in Garmsar

Dragon Mountains are one of the most unique and infrequent geological phenomena in Iran. This mount is count as one of the most attractive attractions in Iran’s Attractive Pictures Issue.
Govatr Port in Chabahar

Chabahar Govatr Port

The port of Goatherd, also known as the Govatr Gulf, is a small, old port. This port, which is located in the southeastern tip of Iran and at the last border point of Chabahar city shines diamond on the shores of the Oman Sea. This area is one of the protected environmental areas due to its proximity to mangrove forests.
Govatr Gulf

Lagoon Wetland

Bojagh National park, which has introduced Lagoon as an international wetland to the international community and houses the Delta River, is one of the most important habitats for birds and aquatic animals.
lagoon wetland Lagoon Wetland

Saravan Wild Park

Saravan Forest Park is one of the oldest forest areas in Gilan due to its diverse plant species in the country and even in the unique world. At the beginning of the entrance of Saravan Forest Park, there is a small reservoir that is very beautiful. They built a wooden platform for that and set up two swan-shaped boats for sightseeing. One of the attractions of Saravan Forest Park is the existence of the country's Rural Heritage Museum, which is beautiful in a part of this park.
saravan park Saravan Park

Neor Lake

This lake is located between Ardabil and Khalkhal City on the border of Ardabil and Gilan. After passing 35 kilometers from Ardabil to Khalkhal you will get to Budalalu Village, after that you should go up the mountain and pass the Abbas Abbad Village. Then you’ll reach to this beautiful lake with the space of 210 hectares and 5 meters depth.
Neor Lake

Masal Heights

Masal, or the lost paradise of Gilan, is a green area with attractive and spectacular forests and seeing this area is more enjoyable every time. Masal region is located in Gilan province and at a height of 44 meters above sea level. This city is located next to the mountains of Talesh city and this geographical location has made it the second highest city in Gilan province after Rudbar.
masal Masal Heights

Lipar Wetland

Lipar Wetland, also known as the Pink Wetland which is one of the unique natural attractions of the Oman Sea that there are only four similar examples in the world.
Lipar Lake Lipar Lake

Kalaleh Region in Turkman Plain

Kalaleh is a city in the east of Golestan province, Iran. This place is very famous for its beautiful tulip flower plains.
kalaleh kalaleh region

Rud Khan Castle

A very beautiful castle in the heart of a dense forest that still stands with glory and grandeur which has now become one of the tourist spots of the city and the province. The length of the castle wall is 1500 meters. 65 towers have been built to guard this narrow but long castle and a river of the same name flows along the castle. Rudkhan Castle was included in the list of historical and national monuments on August 20, 1975.
rudkhan castle Rud Khan Castle

Kaloot Desert

One of the most unique and very attractive attractions that you will remember western movies by watching that is Kaloot Desert. Exciting entertainment like safari is waiting for you in the eerie atmosphere of this area. The desert is a part of the Loot Plain, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
kaloot Kaloot Desert

Bisheh Waterfall in Lorestan

As it's clear from its name it's a great beautiful waterfall on Lorestan Province.
bisheh waterfall Bisheh Waterfall

Saffron Farms of Iran

These beautiful fields, similar to lavenders fields for the purple flowers, are actually another beautiful picture in Iran. It’s interesting to know that Iran has the top position in Saffron Production in the world and is known as the capital of Red Gold.
safron plains Saffron Fields

Dalkhani Jungles in Ramsar

Mazandaran Province and Ramsar City are placed in one of the most pristine and untouched jungle regions in Iran, a place with tall twined trees and immersed in fog, like a reminiscent of paradise. This paradise on the earth is called Dalkhani Jungle, located on 30th km of south east Ramsar. Whether you love nature or mountaineering, you will fall for this area.
subatan Subatan summer region

Subatan summer area

Subatan summer is one of the greenest and most beautiful summer resorts in the Iran which is located 22 km from the city of Lisar in Talesh and 36 km northwest of Talesh.

Shiraz Strait in Lorestan

One of the most pristine and amazing places is the straits that have been around for millions of years and have been eroded and geologically altered, just like the Straits of Shiraz in Lorestan Province.
Chahkuh Strait

Chahkuh Strait in Chabahar

Chahkuh Strait is one of the unique attractions located in Qeshm Island and has rocks and statues that have taken a different shape and appearance naturally over time. You can spend hours watching each of these rocks and if you are also interested in watching the stars at night you can watch the night sky and count the stars, only can be seen in the unique sky of Qeshm. The depth of this valley is about 100 meters and it appears you a new world as you think you have entered another land.
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