Mamasani County is a county in Fars Province in Iran. The capital of the county is Nurabad, which is located 180 kilometres from Shiraz. The people of Mamasani speak Lurish language from southern Lurish dialect. The county is subdivided into three districts: Central District Mahvarmilani District Doshman Ziari District The county has two cities: Nurabad Khumeh Zar Mamasani (also Muhammad Hasni) an ancient tribe with numerous sub-tribes live in Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and other countries. The main tribe resides in Mamasani county in Fars province in Iran and speak Luri language. The Sistani Mamasanis live in Sistan and Baluchistan. The Brahui and Baluchi Mamasanis are called Muhammad Hassani live in Baluchistan provinces of Iran and Pakistan and Nimrus and Helmand of Afghanistan.
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